Tuesday, March 22, 2011

13. Sword of Ice edited by Mercedes Lackey

I know that Lackey has her detractors. It's not like I think she's high art or fantastic literature but, I do have a special place in my heart for her.

Back in college a friend of my gf at the time skipped out on her apartment leaving my gf as her contact. We had to go clean up the mess left behind and part of the mess were all of her books. This woman read almost nothing but fantasy novels. Until that point I hadn't really read much of that genre. I find this absolutely shocking now since its been the predominant genre I've read since then but... we all start somewhere.

I grabbed all the books I could with covers that interested me and Lackey was the first author I read from that pile. I was transported to another world. At that time I was in a bad place-- finishing up school with a major I hated, dating a woman I was not in the least happy to be with, going through therapy for issues I didn't want to deal with. Escapist fiction was my savior.

This book is published fan fiction. Yes, there are published authors who wrote stories in it, but let's call it what it is. It's total fan fic. Not that I have a problem with fan fiction. I've read enough to get a degree in it, and I've written my fair share too.

This is the most popcorn, most fluffy, least good for me type of book I have read yet. I think I finished this book in a single day. Maybe two. It was fun but I can't say I remember much of it. Then again, I was sick when I read it so maybe I should give it some slack.

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