Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to my bookshelf

I've always been an avid reader, but somewhere in the last couple of years I stopped reading published works and lost myself in fan fiction. I discovered fan fiction back in 1995 in my first forays into the internet, but always managed to balance my fan fiction addiction with actual published works. Somehow, starting in 2008 I stopped reading books.

I decided that fan fiction was giving me an unrealistic view of the world, well an unrealistic view of love and relationships, so I stopped cold turkey at the end of 2010. I set a goal for myself for 2011 to read a book a week. I added a further stipulation that at least 26 of these 52 books must be "good for me." I think I'm going to have to wiggle out of that one maybe. ;) We'll see. At the very least 26 of the books can't be the normal sci-fi/fantasy books I normally devour like candy.

I decided to give a blog a whirl and figured this book reading project is a safe topic to start with.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!!!! Can't wait to read more ;)
