Wednesday, March 23, 2011

14. Sun in Glory edited by Mercedes Lackey

I was sick. I just wanted a distraction.

I thought about lumping books 13-16 in a single post since all 4 books are practically the same but, decided that I started the blog to go over each book I read and I might as well do it right.

Plus I want to make you suffer. Both of you. ;)

Anyway, I sped through the popcorn fluff of this book in no time. Enjoyable but not memorable. Empty brain calories.

I noticed as I was reading it that I had received it for Christmas from my grandmother in 2003. How do I know this? Because she signed it, of course. In my family its a 'thing' where you are supposed to sign the books you give to someone. I have never liked this tradition--what if I wanted to sell the books to a used book store later? Or what if I had stumbled upon a rare and valuable first edition of something that I could sell when I was 80, when books are unheard of! ;)

I also bring this up for another reason. It was obvious that I had probably read this book before. Like I said, there are 4 short story anthologies I read back to back. I knew that 1 or 2 of them were new but couldn't remember which ones. So I read them all. And every one was new to me. Now... I have a terrible memory, everyone who knows me knows this. However, in general if you prompt me enough I will generally be able to pull the memories from the depths of my mind. It might be dusty and moth-eaten, but there will be enough there for me to not worry too seriously about my obvious diminished mental capacity.

Each of the stories in these 4 books were new to me. I'm not sure if that is saying something about the stories, my reading retention/comprehension or what but I did find it a little disturbing that I remembered absolutely nothing.

Also, the fact that this was a paperback book that I could not tell had been read before, ie non-creased spine, non-folded corners, etc made me feel kinda good about myself. Not that I'm a slob that destroys everything I touch but... well, accidents have been known to happen. ;)

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